Stronge Teacher Effectiveness Evaluation System (TEPES)
Overview - Teacher Performance Standards: Performance standards are the job responsibilities or duties performed by a teacher. The Stronge TEPES includes seven diagnostic performance standards:
Performance Standard 1. Professional Knowledge: The teacher has an understanding of the curriculum, subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the developmental needs of students.
Performance Standard 2. Instructional Planning: The teacher plans using the state standards, district curriculum, effective strategies, resources, and data.
Performance Standard 3. Instructional Delivery: The teacher uses a variety of effective instructional strategies in order to meet individual learning needs.
Performance Standard 4. Assessment of/for Learning: The teacher uses a variety of formative and summative assessment strategies and data.
Performance Standard 5: Learning Environment: The teacher provides a well-managed, safe, student-centered, academic environment that is conducive to learning.
Performance Standard 6. Professionalism and Communication: The teacher maintains a commitment to professional ethics and professional growth and effective communication with all stakeholders.
Performance Standard 7. Student Progress: The instructional efforts of the teacher result in acceptable, measurable student progress based on established standards and goals.
Documenting Performance: Given the complexity of a teacher’s work, multiple data sources are used in TEPES that provide a comprehensive and authentic “performance portrait” that includes documentation of professional development and instructional artifacts, results of student surveys, student growth data, and records of observations by administrators.
Rating Performance: The TEPES framework uses a four-point rating scale to provide a description of how well the teacher attains the performance standards: Highly Effective, Effective, Partially Effective, and Ineffective. The framework is drawn from the empirical research on teacher effectiveness. The summative rating score is calculated based upon 80% from teacher practice (standards 1-6) and 20% from measured student progress (standard 7). Teachers of non-tested grades and subjects are required to set two student growth objectives (SGOs) focusing on acquisition of content and development of skills.
The actual implementation of the evaluation system calls on both teachers and their evaluators to collaborate in the collection and review of evidence around teacher work. Additionally, teachers are encouraged to collaborate with one another via practices such as instructional planning, student achievement goal setting, and building professional expertise.