Curriculum and Community Committee

The Curriculum and Community Committee is a standing subcommittee of the Westampton School Board. It is comprised of not more than 4 members and a District level administrator. The committee members are appointed annually by the President of the School Board. The Committee elects a Chairperson, annually.

The role of the Curriculum and Community Committee of the Westampton School Board includes:

  • Review of proposed and current curriculum, technology and instructional programs prior to implementation, as part of Program Approval Process

  • Review of educational programs supported by federal and state grants

  • Review student disciplinary matters

  • Collaborate with families, business and community organizations to support the developmental, social, and academic needs of all students and the effective use of community resources

  • Recommend to the full Board any changes in Westampton School District Policies pertaining to communications, students, discipline, technology, curriculum and/or instruction

  • Report to the full Board, the outcomes of subcommittee meetings