Curriculum and Community Committee
The Curriculum and Community Committee is a standing subcommittee of the Westampton School Board. It is comprised of not more than 4 members and a District level administrator. The committee members are appointed annually by the President of the School Board. The Committee elects a Chairperson, annually.
The role of the Curriculum and Community Committee of the Westampton School Board includes:
Review of proposed and current curriculum, technology and instructional programs prior to implementation, as part of Program Approval Process
Review of educational programs supported by federal and state grants
Review student disciplinary matters
Collaborate with families, business and community organizations to support the developmental, social, and academic needs of all students and the effective use of community resources
Recommend to the full Board any changes in Westampton School District Policies pertaining to communications, students, discipline, technology, curriculum and/or instruction
Report to the full Board, the outcomes of subcommittee meetings