Budget and Personnel Committee
The Budget and Personnel Committee is a standing subcommittee of the Westampton School Board. It is comprised of not more than 4 members and a District level administrator. Members are appointed annually by the President of the School Board. The Committee elects a Chairperson, annually.
The role of the Budget and Personnel Committee of the Westampton School Board includes:
Establish and review evaluation systems for school staff and the Superintendent
Assist in the review and development of policies related to staff
Review and submit to the full Board hiring recommendations of the Superintendent for full time and substitute positions.
Assist in determining the creation/abolishment of district positions
Review and approve Job Descriptions
Plan, review and monitor the district budget
Utilize the annual school budget preparation process as a means to communicate within the schools and the community
Work with district administrators to prepare a budget that provides adequate resources to maintain the District's programs and facilities
Review and recommend to the full Board any changes in Westampton District Policies pertaining to facilities, fiscal management, and other applicable areas
Report, to the full Board, the outcome of each sub-committee meeting