In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Law, P.L. 1975, and the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to same (the "Act"), public notice is given that the Westampton Board of Education will be holding a Regular Public Board Meeting on April 11, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Westampton Middle School.
Additionally, the meeting will be stream-cast live using Zoom Conferencing. Members of the public may connect to this stream for video and audio coverage by going to https://www.westamptonschools.... in their browser. Persons wishing to comment during the public section of the meeting will be given the opportunity to do so through the Zoom conferencing. Public participation is encouraged and can be accessed using the following link:
At the time that this Notice is being prepared, the Board expects the agenda of its meeting to include the following topics: (1) Routine Business of the Westampton Township Board of Education. The agenda is available for download on the Westampton School District’s website:
The Board may enter into Executive Session, which will be closed to the public, at the end of the public portion of the meeting to discuss topics permitted under the Open Public Meetings Act. Following the Executive Session, the Board will reconvene in public and formal action may be taken.
Members of the public may make public comment by "raising their hand" in the Zoom meeting. Members who have "raised their hand" will be unmuted when it is their turn to participate and muted after their three (3) minutes of public comment.
A copy of this Notice shall be published in the Official newspaper of the Board of Education as required by law. A copy of this Notice shall also be posted on the Westampton School District’s website and on main door of the Central Administration Building.
By order of the Westampton Board of Education
Karen Greer
Board Secretary