Holly Hills Health Office


Welcome to the Holly Hills Heath Office web page. Health and safety alerts will be posted along with other important information for your family. The Holly Hills nurse can be reached at 609-267-8565 Ext #3 or via email at hhsnurse@westamptonschools.org

Holly Hills Nurse: Shila Stevens BSN, RN, CSN-NJ

State of New Jersey Parent Link

The state of New Jersey has completed a website addressing family issues. Go to www.njparentlink.nj.gov for assistance with family support services.

Children's Medicaid Waiver Programs

Covid-19 Information

Staff and students that test positive for Covid-19 must:

  • Stay home for at least 5 full days after the onset of symptoms or if asymptomatic, they must stay home after the positive test (day of symptoms is day 0; if asymptomatic, day the test was performed is day 0)


  • If they have no symptoms or symptoms are resolving after 5 days and are fever-free (without the use of fever-reducing medication) for 24 hours, they can return to school AND wear a mask when around others at home and in public for an additional 5 days (including participation in any extracurricular activities). Time without mask being worn should be kept to a minimum.

To get the latest information regarding Covid-19 for the state of New Jersey, click the link below:


Get the Facts About Coronavirus - Take steps to care for yourself and help protect others in your home & community. Visit the following link below: 


When should my child return to school?

Health Letter-When to Stay Home

School Medical Forms

Low Cost Dental Cleanings

Rowan College at Burlington County Dental Hygiene Clinic is offering low cost dental cleanings for Veterans, Healthcare Heroes and children under 13 years old (1000 Briggs Road, Mount laurel, NJ 08054)

Call 856-291-4215 to make an appointment or click here