By: Coach Maria Yoerke
The WMS Field Hockey team completed their season - with perfection! Our final record was 9 wins, 0 losses, and 1 tie. Such an amazing accomplishment for 21 amazing young ladies. From the beginning of the season, our team worked their hardest at every practice to make sure they were at their best for every game. It absolutely paid off! We outscored our opponents 42-6 with 10 different players scoring at least one goal. Our front line was unstoppable and moved the ball down the field with ease, leading in goal scoring. The midfielders were as tough as they get, intercepting passes and giving the front line numerous opportunities to score. Defenders and Goalies were more like brick walls as they stopped opposing teams in their tracks if they even came close to our goal. Each and every win was a team effort. All of you were the definition of our team’s motto - Tough to Play, Tougher to Beat! Way to go, Giants!