Mr. Rehn’s class has been working hard virtually in all four academic subjects. From practicing math facts and exploring fractions, to spelling new words and reading new stories the students have been continually engaged, even from home. They have also learned about Ancient Greece and are currently learning how to use the scientific method in science class. Last week, the students used the scientific method to make discoveries about buoyancy by conducting a live virtual experiment called “The Great Cookie Dunk.” During the experiment the student’s asked the question: “do cookies float in milk?” Then they formed their own hypothesis and began the experiment. The students wrote down any observations they made about each type of cookie and then tested their hypothesis by placing each cookie type in the milk and made predictions for each one. When they were finished they recorded their results and completed a reflection page. FINALLY, when it was all over, the students got to enjoy the best part of the experiment. MILK AND COOKIES!!!!

The Great Cookie Dunk
October 26, 2020