My sixth grade students have been working very hard this year. It has been a challenging year for the students as 6th grade marks the beginning of their middle school experience. While routine things like learning how to use a locker, making new friends in the lunchroom, dances have been missing, I think that the students have gained a unique insight into their own learning styles and organizational routines.
We have spent a good part of the year studying the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome. We are now studying the ancient civilizations of Africa; beginning with a look at the geography of the world’s second largest continent.
For my seventh grade students, it too has been a year of self discovery in terms of learning styles, and organizational routines.
We have examined :
How the Europeans transformed life in the Americas?
What essential ideas helped form the American identity?
What led to the American War for Independence?
This past school year has been a unique one filled with many unprecedented challenges; yet the vast majority of your sons and daughters have risen to the challenges it has posed. You should be very proud of them.