In Mrs. Dombrowski’s 6th and 7th grade science classes, we have been analyzing, inquiring and researching about scientific topics all related to how “the past can tell us about our future”. Take a look at what we’ve been learning about!
In our 6th grade science classes, we have been investigating the evidence and theories behind continental drift. We’ve explored the fossil remains, geological patterns and continental shapes that existed in the era of Pangaea in comparison to the present day. We’ve analyzed the movement of our plate tectonics over time and have taken a deeper look at the past activity of volcanoes and earthquakes on the Ring of Fire. In groups, we have researched the historical events that have taken place on the Ring of Fire in a cumulative end of unit project. Our students have created physical representations of the historical events, while focusing on the plate tectonic movement that caused these events to occur.
In our 7th grade science class, we have taken a look at the building blocks that define our genetic makeup from the inheritance of dominant and recessive traits to how our environmental exposures can affect our outcomes. We have learned about the expression of genes, the probability of genes that will be represented and how traits are inherited from our biological ancestors. Our students created their own “Creature Creations” to showcase their understanding of gene inheritance and probability.
We look forward to continuing to explore, inquire & investigate about the world around us from a scientific perspective this year!