In Mr. Powers' and Mrs. Relevo's 3rd period 8th grade Social Studies inclusion class, the students became the teachers. The students had to teach their peers about the Transcontinental Railroad. Students worked in groups to create notes for their peers and then presented their information to the class. Students had the opportunity to bring their skills to the table and practice public speaking.
In Mrs. Duba's and Mrs. Relevo's 4th period 8th grade inclusion Science class, the students have been learning about Newton's 3rd Law. Newton's 3rd Law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The students worked on a K'NEX project in which they needed to design their own "car" and use a balloon to help propel it. They had to utilize terms such as mass and friction when creating their design. The students worked with partners on the project in order to get their cars to move the farthest. The minimum their cars had to travel was 100 cm and everyone surpassed that with the highest car in the class going 934 cm.The students were motivated by their peers to surpass each other.