November 12, 2021
This is an exciting time for Westampton Public Schools as we look to improve our school facilities to make them safer, healthier, and ready for the next decade of Westampton Giant...
October 22, 2021
The two NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) that 7th grade science focuses on in the beginning of the year are NGSS MS-LS 1-3 and MS-LS 1-8.
During the second week o...

October 22, 2021
In Mr. Burke’s 8th-grade math class, students are learning about real numbers! We are applying all of the knowledge and hard work the students have put in over the years into one ...

October 21, 2021
Mr. Rehn’s class has been working hard in all four academic subjects. From practicing math facts and time telling skills, to spelling new words and reading new stories, the studen...

October 1, 2021
To order pictures online, use the link provided below. Online orders must be completed within 2 days after picture day. After 2 days the link will be disabled.
Click to Pre-Pay...

September 29, 2021
Mrs. Coston's students created their own Instagram pages to share their interests with one another.

September 28, 2021
Our Westampton students started off the year working together in Physical Education class. For our first cooperative activity, groups of students were tasked with completing a ser...

August 9, 2021
Attention Parents of Incoming 6th Grade Students,
The Department of Health is requiring that documentation of the Tdap and Meningitis vaccines MUST be submitted by September 1...

June 10, 2021
Click the link below to view Thursday night's 8th grade awards and graduation ceremony!
8th Grade Virtual Awards and Graduation Ceremony

May 10, 2021
The WMS Drama Club Proudly Presents:
“Belle and that Beast Guy”
“Alice in Cyberland”
We are SO proud of our WMS students who worked so hard under such ch...

April 30, 2021
My sixth grade students have been working very hard this year. It has been a challenging year for the students as 6th grade marks the beginning of their middle school experience....

March 16, 2021
Please follow this link for important school information about the remainder of the school year! https://5il.co/qo0b

March 8, 2021
Tonight's board meeting will allow limited in-person attendance at Westampton Middle School and will also be available virtually. Public participation will be available both in p...

March 3, 2021
Please use these links for a message regarding "next steps" for the school year. Video message from the Superintendent - https://5il.co/q59q Text of the message can be found he...

March 1, 2021
Sixth grade students in Mrs. Adams’ science classes completed a Google Slide project researching famous African American inventors, scientists, and astronauts. Students used the ...
March 1, 2021
This pandemic has brought on a whole new set of challenges for both students and teachers. I’m sure you are aware of the challenges our students face. It’s not easy for them, and ...

March 1, 2021
How did you learn to add and subtract integers? Were you just told the rule and applied it?
Our Seventh graders were able to discover for themselves the rules for working with ...

February 18, 2021
Due to the forecasted weather, all Westampton Township Schools will operate on a full day, full remote learning schedule tomorrow, Thursday, February 18. Thank you and stay safe!...